Image of blue light emitting from all the continents in the world map.

  • CMPS-3160/6160: Introduction to Data Science, Tulane University, 3 Credit Hours
  • Prerequisites: CMPS 1500 or CMPS 1100. In lieu of prerequisites as specified, contact instructor for permission to enroll.

  • Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Faust (rfaust1 at
  • Lectures Times: MWF 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
  • Room: Stanley Thomas 302
  • Office: Paul Hall 306 (New Building next to ST)
  • Office Hours: Monday & Tuesday 2:30-3:30, and by appointment, Send an email at rfaust1 at with CMPS 3160 in the subject if you are an undergraduate student or CMPS 6160 if you are a graduate student.
  • Webpage:
  • GitHub:

The instructor and TAs have office hours and are available by appointment. Please reach out to us directly to setup extra time if you need more support during the semester. If you need help please check the discussion board on Canvas!. We check it regularly to answer common questions on projects and homeworks. The solution to your question might already be there!

  • Teaching Assistants

  • Graduate Assistant Kory Rosen (krosen5 at
    • Office Hours Tuesday 9-10 AM, ST 316
  • Undergraduate Assistant Reid Miller (rmiller14 at
    • Office Hours Tuesday & Thursday 5-7 PM, ST 316
  • Undergraduate Assistant Zoe Birnbaum (zbirnbaum at
    • Office Hours Monday & Wednesday 5-7 PM, ST 316