Course Information
- CMPS 4790/6790 Data Science
- Fall 2024 Term, Tulane University
- Lectures Times: Wednesday, 1800 - 1915
- Room: Online Only.
- Online: All weekly meetings will be in InSpace, see Tulane Canvas for details
- Prerequisite Courses: Officially none, however, we strongly encourage students to have taken one or more computing courses and be familiar with Python, e.g., CMPS 1500/1600 Introduction to Computer Science I/II, CMPS 3160 Introduction to Data Science, or CMPS 6100 Introduction to Computer Science.
Website Information
- Webpage:
- GitHub:
- Canvas Page: Tulane Canvas
- EdStem For Questions: CMPS 6790 on EdStem
Instructor Information
- Instructor: Dr. Nicholas Mattei,
- Office: Stanley Thomas Hall (Building 10), Room 305B
- Office Hours: You can come by my office or visit me at the Zoom Links below. Note that if you are in the waiting room on Zoom it means I am talking to someone else, please don’t email me.
- Mondays 1730 - 1830 Zoom Link for Monday Only!
- Tuesdays 1530 - 1630 Zoom Link for Tuesday Only!
Teaching Assistants
- Course Assistant: Harper Lyon,
- Office: Stanley Thomas Hall (Building 10), Room 309
- Office Hours: You can come by my office or visit me at the Zoom Links below. Note that if you are in the waiting room on Zoom it means I am talking to someone else, please don’t email me.
- Tuesdays 1700 - 1900 Zoom Link!
- Thursdays 1800 - 2000 Zoom Link!
The instructor and TAs have office hours and are available by appointment. Please reach out to us directly to setup extra time if you need more support during the semester. If you need help please check the discussion board on Canvas!. We check it regularly to answer common questions on projects and homeworks. The solution to your question might already be there!